Supervised Parenting time

north Brisbane Children’s Contact Service

North Brisbane

Family breakdown can cause children and youth to be separated from one of their parents for a period of time. Through supervised visits we reunite children with their parent, so they can strengthen their relationship and move forward, positively and safely. We provide a safe, neutral child focused venue for supervised visits to occur between children, the parent they do not live with and other significant people in the children’s life.

Supervised Parenting Time

Supervision is time for your child/ren to spend with you until things are sorted out. There are many reasons why one parent is required to have supervised visitation. Don’t think supervision is the end, it’s not, it’s the beginning. It’s your opportunity to rebuild a life with your children happily and safely.


Why do I do this work?


It’s difficult for children when their parents separate. Children grieve the loss of a parent when they cannot interact with them. Children want to be loved by both parents and want to love them both. Children and youth want to be allowed to love both of their parents.
A child that has not seen one of their parents for a long time is very nervous when they begin supervision. More often than not nearly every child runs straight into the arms of the parent they do not live with. Children can have both parents in their lives, safely.
In the future, I hope parents will put their struggles aside and focus on parenting their children. I say to many parents, ‘you are going to have your children’s birthdays, engagement parties, weddings, christenings, grandchildren’s birthdays and so much more so, get along for your kids’ sake.
You don’t want to miss out on half of your child’s life’. Sandy.

This service …

… undertakes a full intake and risk assessment prior to service delivery in every instance. This includes interviewing both parents separately.

… undertakes a child orientation session prior to any service commencement in every instance.

… will only proceed with service delivery if the assessment and child orientation provide evidence that it is safe for the child, adults and staff to do so.

… will only proceed with service delivery if the service has the staffing capability and capacity to safely do so.

… staff are suitably qualified and trained.

… follows the baseline practice standards articulated in the Children’s Contact Service Guiding Principles Framework for Good Practice (2018).

Our History


Originally this children’s contact service was operated by Sylvia and based in Caboolture. Sylvia relocated the service to Redcliffe and renamed it Humpybong Place. In 2011 Sylvia retired in her 70’s.

Humpybong Place went under the wing of Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre in 2013 and we changed the name to Encircle Children’s Contact Centre.

North Brisbane Children’s Contact Service took over Encircle Children’s Contact Centre in 2015. The coordinator moved with this children’s contact service from Humpybong Place to North Brisbane Children’s Contact Service.